[Cus-l] ALLA Convention

Dusty Folds dfolds at lawsonstate.edu
Mon Oct 3 13:35:56 CDT 2016

In case you have not seen the call for proposals for the ALLA convention, please see below. Additionally, a Facebook page has been set up for the convention. Please check it out at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.facebook.com_allaconvention_&d=DQIFAg&c=GTxgfYI6i4KYikqC6GK_Jzn2mYGEh-v4HEPYCyQcJzU&r=Wcw2DK1jSyYu2vW8GUrouU1_uD7H6Z7B53V5KVdtm8w&m=uHHKGuQprb8DPetnskpIUsGQlcDaNdXUXJeZkaJJpyY&s=NE5EwklOE3bQoFq4xrmTYKmiqwra80BM2JkC4xVfIAg&e= .

Alabama Libraries: A Capital Idea!
April 18 - 21, 2017

Convention Committee, 2017

Deadline: Monday, October 31st, 2016

Please join the Alabama Library Association at the 2017 Convention to encourage the dissemination of new ideas in our state's capitol.  This is your invitation to submit program proposals centering on the theme of unique and new ideas.

What emerging technologies have value in your library and community?  What ways have you taken a tried and true method and presented it in with a new twist?  How has your library brought new information or skills to an individual, group, or community? What have you achieved with very little budget that had great value? What have you done that makes your library shine?

We are interested in all program proposals, but particularly want to encourage presentations that are hands-on, and include take away tools that will allow information to be utilized and implemented to improve services and resources for patrons and for library employees.

Please consider the following topics:

 *   Community engagement and sponsorship
 *   Library Advocacy
 *   Board and Trustee Communication
 *   Measurement and Statistics for Improving Library Impact
 *   New ways to use the internet (fitness bands, smartphones)
 *   Design labs for student usage
 *   The Library as a Platform
 *   Adult computer literacy
 *   Assisting job seekers
 *   Turning children into lifelong readers
 *   Reaching new demographics

We are looking for a wide variety of presentations and programs. Types of programs may include:

 *   Preconferences (sessions that occur on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 18th)
 *   Conference Workshops/Breakout Meetings
 *   Business meetings (Group Membership Meetings);

While, this form should be completed by all Division and Committee Chairs and Roundtable Moderators to plan their group's specific programs, we highly encourage individuals, students, and independent groups/organizations to submit any ideas for programming.

If you would like to present or have a program at ALLA Convention 2017, please fill out the below information and return to the individuals listed below.

Alternatively, you can submit an electronic form via https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__goo.gl_forms_vMN11U1jlUOq39qp1&d=DQIFAg&c=GTxgfYI6i4KYikqC6GK_Jzn2mYGEh-v4HEPYCyQcJzU&r=Wcw2DK1jSyYu2vW8GUrouU1_uD7H6Z7B53V5KVdtm8w&m=uHHKGuQprb8DPetnskpIUsGQlcDaNdXUXJeZkaJJpyY&s=-cTJvV-r0oQiuDFKiZg3PTwv9TSinO7zNeFzFwVZ5Yw&e= 

Dusty Folds
Reference and Instruction Librarian
Lawson State Community College
3060 Wilson Road, SW
Birmingham, AL 35221
Phone: 205-929-2068
Email: dfolds at lawsonstate.edu

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